Four sociologists and a publicist were working in the same department of a big
international Company. Sometimes they peeped at each other over their screens,
thinking about how all that had some “room for improvement”. In 2013 we took the
step and that department became independent. We named ourselves The
Department, EL DEPARTAMENTO. Like that, in capital letters. Never forget where
you come from, kid. Did Lion King say that? Was it Rambo?

Years of experience in the team
Thousands of people being interviewed
Half naked people seen from the windows of the office
Days without watering the cactus
Devoured croquettes

Summing up 20 years of experience in market research and brand strategy, many of them working for international companies and living abroad. I am a sociologist with additional training on marketing, and recently I have begun to teach strategic planning and digital marketing to college students, trying to convey the importance of being straightforward, creative and strategic. On top of that, or in spite of it, I am a mother of two, an urban cyclist and somewhat a freak of nature, cinema and reading.
#Biciosa #Mamaperchero #Kartoffelnfans

Madrilenian from Vigo, vocational sociologist, irreverent, skeptic and more rational than emotional. Rugby player on weekends and boxer during the week. I love to torment my neighbors playing heavy metal on guitar. Over the last few years I have been teaching quant research in several master programs at IE, getting (surprisingly) good reviews from students. Having been all my life working in market research, you might think I am a serious, rigorous guy. Do not take it seriously, it’s just a phony facade.
#ladooscuroforever #aquícuándosemerienda #nometoqueslosmapas

I finished Sociology at the Granada University and said to myself “foh!”, I am going to specialize in statistical analysis, trying to find a more efficient and rigorous way to solve brands problems based on consumer opinions. And it worked. Now I make a living looking for the keys of people’s behavior. I love to cook healthy and delicious food, I quit piano because potato and I like to spend my vacations on 2 or 4 wheels in places where nobody in their right mind would want to go.
#viajesimposibles #conlasmanosenlamasa #conbdebici

What is a publicist like me doing in a place like this? When I was telling stories in a bold, different way I came across some unexpected protagonists: numbers, decimals and percentages. It’s been 10 years combining creative writing, quant research and data visualization. In my desk you can find an old calculator, a pile of clippings to make collages, a crafted ceramic piece without glazing and a Japanese recipe book that I am still unable to decipher. Enjoying the company of sociologists is… weird? But good, for sure.
#SíSePuede #Odiater #DesdeAquíNoVeoElMar

Sociologist & Political Scientist, made in Valencia, living the millennial lifestyle™️. Since 2011 working on market research and squeezing the consumer from different approaches: big data analysis, social media and quant techniques. Specialized in social issues (gender, elderly, social exclusion, vulnerable groups...) combined with technology. My virtues are mine and my defects are just the consequence of being a millennial. I can neither confirm nor deny that I have played Zelda Breath of the Wild for 350+ hours. Now, amateur bird-watcher.
#lomography #habitus #NaturaiCultura